About Em

Hi! My name is Emily Mae. Some people call me Emily, but I much prefer Em or Emmy. I have awesome parents who sometimes make me angry, but I know they love me...sometimes I just don't like it! I have four siblings: My brother Abraham {who we call Abe} who will be 15 in April, my brother Joseph {who we call Joe} who will be 13 in May, my brother Elijah {who we call Eli} who just turned 10, and my sister Ruth {who no longer likes to be called Ruthie because she's grown up now} who will be 6 in September.
I'm homeschooled and always have been.
I live on one of the most beautiful pieces of land the Lord ever designed, where I can feel the sun on my face and the wind in my hair and I can breathe freely.
I love all things pink and beautiful {especially sunsets and rubber boots}.
I like to sit outside my window and read in the dusk in the summertime and hike up our sledding hill in the winter. I love spring and the promises it whispers; all of the wonderful times I know will come in the summer.
I live in the heart of farm country. Some people call it the "hills". Some people call it the sticks. Whatever it is, I love it. And I think I always will.
I love to do things that people say I can't do. I'm a first-born who's doing her best to overcome her perfectionism. I'm sure you'll find I'm a work in progress.
I love to sew and cross-stitch and quilt. I like to paint {rooms and things} and I like to decorate. I play the guitar, mandolin, and piano.
Since 2009 we have owned large animals. Cows, actually. We started out with one so we had our own milk {'cause a family of 7 tends to go through a lot of that.} Soon we got to where we had our own cream and made our own butter and started making cottage cheese. We currently don't have any animals milking because we sold one cow and the other one was old and sick and we had to put her down. I have one heifer, Pepper, who is going to calve sometime this spring {I can't wait!} and my brother has one heifer, Nutmeg, who is also due to calve this spring, and a young bull calf, George. My father owns two heifers, both due through the spring and summer, named Cinnamon and Ginger. {Notice we named them all spices?! Pretty cool, huh?} We have one steer named Justin who is just like a teddy bear.
We also have a boat-load of chickens {not my favorite animals} and one very friendly pig named Ham-chunk.
We also have four cats: Joe's cat, Heidi, my cat, Winkle, Abe's cat Allis, and Eli's cat Chalmers. Allis and Chalmers are named for the Allis-Chalmers tractor company. They're also sister and brother.
I work on a farm about fifteen minutes from my house where I help raise calves and milk. I love it, even though my family doesn't like the way I smell when I get home!
So, yeah, I'm pretty weird. But I fit in with my family extremely well. And all of my friends, too.
And I wouldn't change my life for anything. How about you?

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